Electronic commerce (e-commerce, EC) describes the buying, selling, transferring or exchanging of products, services or information via computer networks, including the Internet.
E-commerce benefits organizations, customers and society as a whole. It benefits organisation by making national and international markets more accessible and by lowering costs of processing, distributing, and retrieving information. E-commerce benefits customers as there is access a vast number of products and services around the clock (24/7/365). E-commerce benefits society through its ability to easily and conveniently deliver information, services and products to people in cities, rural areas and developing countries.
E-commerce does have its limitations; these can be divided up into technological and non-technological. Technological limitations of e-commerce include the lack of universally accepted security standards, insufficient telecommunications bandwidth and expensive accessibility. The non-technological limitations of e-commerce include the perception that it is unsecure, the unresolved legal issues and it lacks a critical mass of sellers and buyers.
Spamming is the indiscriminate distribution of e-mail without the receiver’s permission. Permission marketing is a method of marketing that asks consumers to give their permission to voluntarily accept online advertising and email whereas, viral marketing is the online word of mouth marketing.
Micropayments are small payments that can be made online or via a wireless device e.g. e-tag.
Multichanneling is a process through which a company integrates its online and offline channels.
Ethical ecommerce issues include:
- piracy
- no human element (consumer/ seller unknown)
- web tracking (cookies)
The value of domain names, taxation of online businesses and how to handle legal issues in a multi country environment are major legal concerns. Other legal issues include protection of customers, sellers and intellectual property is important.
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